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M'06 Design Lab

The need for setting up a design lab arose in the first place wen Ravi challenged us fellas(Shua Cartick n Me) to come up with some designs by the time he woke up(lazy bum slept at 1 am while we slogged our sic a**** till 4 in the morning).This is a first time sincere effort by our designer-in-the-wings Shua(Sh-u-aa)under the not-so-able guidance of Sid (hence the 'un-earthly' appeal)Please do leave your valuable comments to encourage this young fella. Be assured that the final coverpage will leave you asking for more.We are maturing with each effort because Adobe Photoshop (our Jeevan Dhara) is an ocean. And proper utilization of the all the effects is a very demanding process. However Shua is learning the ropes very well and will soon branch out as an excellent designer. Watch this space for more....

13 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wowwww!!!! excellent work dude!! keep it up!! its really such pleasure to see such work coming up..
    well.. all the designs are good but i would recommend the third one(black n red)... coz its like a whirlpool...well..one's musings jostles one into a whirlpool of thoughts and imagination..which makes it so appropriate... :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Why? Why should the cover page take us on a journey at the speed of light?

    In case you havent understood, I'm just wondering why the "vortex space" look is so necessary.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Atlantean kaka...M'06 reflects our college ka talent.Basically, its all abt encouraging talent.If you think that the college doesn't need any flabbergasted coverpages or flashy posters then think again....When some outsider will have a look at our mag the first thing he will see is the coverpage and if its not attractive(shaby and dull looking like most other coll mags) he will jus throw it away and the talent inside the book is uunheard of.
    Just to avoid this, we are working our a**** off....
    And seriously dont know wat vortex space is....but since u dint like it....we'll take that look off and try something else(btw, which one looks like the vortex space???)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wow!! wow!! guys that was the first thing that came to my mind guys job well done man... 3 cheers guys... good job..


  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Velcro, ok man, point taken. Good luck.

    Vortex space look is the one in which those bands of light stretch out from the centre.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 


  7. Anonymous Anonymous 


  8. Anonymous Anonymous 


  9. Anonymous Anonymous 


  10. Anonymous Anonymous 


  11. Anonymous Anonymous 


  12. Anonymous Anonymous 


  13. Anonymous Anonymous 


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