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Modern Age Creativity Well this topic of originali... »NEW RECRUITSWell this might seem as a surprise to ... » It's wrong anymore to say that somethings never c... »M'06 Design LabThe need for setting up a design la... »A snap from Musings "Brainstorming session" »Raising the bar:Musings which turns four this year... »For all those ppl who have been searching for acti... »Here's a peek-a-boo into one of designers creative... »Censored Freedom Censor and Freedom these two word... »In The Pipeline:::Rejoice people my creative insti... »
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ooo!!! too good man! this gives a reality touch to our work...and the blog seems so happening!how i wish.... eh... let that pass.. i will catch up on it in the 'internal' dhamaka..
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ooo!!! too good man! this gives a reality touch to our work...and the blog seems so happening!how i wish.... eh... let that pass.. i will catch up on it in the 'internal' dhamaka..