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Musings 2006

It's 20 days and my blog is still not updated. It's 20 days since I've even had lunch in my house. It's been almost the same time that I could peacefully work on my project. 20 days and I still haven't cleaned my computer desk. 20 days since I even chatted late night till 4. Its been the same time that i even freaked out with my friends. The same number of days and I couldn't play those "a few tunes" on my guitar (with the horrible tuning ever discovered). These days have squeezed us (read I + some others) from every little part of (something called) "fun" that we ever had in our lives.

Enough of this boring introduction. I'm trying to be, but I can never be a great writer (Give anti-comments to the poor soul to make him a happy one).

Musings 2006. Finally. Has. Been. Released. With the same old importance in the college. But with an enthusiasm bundled a zillion times more in us. Reason you ask?? The first one being, It's getting better everytime and so is it this year too. Second - the overall Perfection Coefficient (as we call it) increasing drastically (The more you correct the printer about the inter-word spacing, comma's and full-stops (and the more he bawls you) the higher this coefficient is). Third - Just for the heck of it. Otherwise the para sounds incomplete. Fourth - We worked hard than ever. Many realised what I was doing can best be termed as 'over action' but some later must have (must have) seen that it was actually necessary. Fifth - This was the best graphic theme that I could bring out for the magazine in my service for the mag. Sixth - No ads on the back side of the coverpage!!

As I posted in one of those previous posts in the Musings' Blog, we did have everal "First Times" in Musings this year. A video being compiled, a central theme for the graphics all over, a different layout for the messages from the BoD's etc.,

BREAK (I continued composing this post after a break of 10 days... so make all those 20's into 30's) (And i even forgot how I was about to continue)
(To know more about Musings-is-great, please see the magazine directly. I have no patience to describe that it is 36-24-36. Time is 1:09 AM)

Musings this year was somehow more interesting than ever. It's not about the magazine that I'm speaking. It's among the editors and the board that the chemistry was fine-tuned. Of course, we did have our share of brickbats thrown over each other and this part of the program was sponsored to you by the second years. Siddhrath balling Chetan - Chetan balling Sid in front of Shiva - Shiva revealing all this to me - I shutting my mouth as theres no use trying to pacify these guys - Well, somethings never change. Somehow, the cribbing part of M'06 has taken it to a new level of understanding between the team members. About their abilities, I mean.

Pain - Nightouts have worked wonders this year. We had fun, we experienced the pain in sleepyheadedness (if that word ever exists). While some experienced the pain in missing their dearest moments of life, some experienced the pain in missing classes and attendance while some in missing their favourite food too. The whole thing of working together with your 100% in it, I could say, could be one of the reasons as to why M'06 is The celebrated issue so far. When it comes to getting it all together, you see the real pain. The names for the art pieces get mismatched and sometimes, we lose them too. Some highly-recommended-articles-by-staff from the students make their way directly into the magazine, without a coma being removed from the original article. But when the editors tried escorting them into the mag, they turned out to be entirely different ones. Sometimes, we felt the titles themselves be better changed. Getting it all done in a way we wished was one of the things that left us happy this year. Absolutely no issues from the staff and management. Hey... and dont forget to check out "Hit Parade".

End of it all, I thought when I was with only myself and when it flashed in my mind that I can never work for the magazine again... it felt 'Oh...Yes. Thats true. Never Again'. No more nightouts. No more class-bunks. No more printing press. No more late night chatting. No more photo sessions. No cribbing and no more confusion of selecting and rejecting articles. I'll miss it all. More than anything, I will miss my team. As Sid penned it down, M'06 is An Ode to Penmanship. But for me it could actually be An Ode to Friendship or An Ode to Companionship. That's an inner catchline for a few of us too - if you can call it so.

With all this and without any hesitation, I say Musings 2006 is the best issue till date. In our view, it's also the best a group of 6-7 can get in a period as short as 3 months!!

A bow to all the M'06 Team Members, Raji Reddy Sir, Vikhyat, Abhishek, Nayeem, Balraju and Kumar @ Karshak Printers and all those who were directly or indirectly involved in getting this thing out.

A special mention of Kalpana, Siddharth and Triveni is inevitable. Hey Sid, don't you think we've set that new "bar" which you were craving for ?

Thanks guys - We've finally done it!!

P.S: My sincere apology to Keerthi for mismatching her name in one of the art pieces. The second colour artwork under the name "Vishal - Third Year MMT" has actually been made by Keerthi. She's the same person who sketeched the 8th B/W art piece.

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